How much does it cost to join?

We welcome all new Gym-a-Roos to join their first class for free to see if you and your child enjoy the experience. In order to continue, there is an initial joining fee, and monthly direct debit to cover class fees. All members are automatically entered into our exciting programme of in-house awards, which they can earn as they progress in the classes - all medals / stickers and certificates are included in the price of your membership.

Initial Joining Fee - £30 (one-off payment)

Includes Gym-a-Roos T-shirt and free gift, your first year’s membership to Gym-a-Roos.

Monthly class Fee - £30 per month paid by direct debit.

This includes one class a week for 47 weeks a year (classes run throughout term time and school holidays).

Siblings Discount

If two or more siblings want to join in the fun, we do offer a 10% siblings discount on each child’s monthly fees.